Fair Notice

Fair Notice Letter icon-link

In order to continue to maintain a high level of safety and security for all in our schools, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you of Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools' procedures regarding responding to high-risk behaviours. High-risk behaviours include, but are not limited to, possession of weapons, bomb threats and threats to kill or injure others.  

We as a school system have been involved in safety and response training with our staff and community partners. We have developed a plan for responding to situations in which students may pose a threat to themselves or others. Should any student engage in behaviour, which threatens or appears to threaten the safety of themselves or others, our protocol for dealing with high-risk behaviours will be activated. Should you wish to review, please check out our Administrative Procedure No. 315: Threat Assessment Protocol.

This letter is to serve our parents and students with fair notice that we, as a school community, will respond to serious threats in a professional manner. We appreciate your support in ensuring our schools are safe environments for your children. If you have any questions, please call your school principal.