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This scholarship was named in honour of Alexander Rutherford, who had the distinction of being Alberta’s first Premier and Minister of Education. He was known for his strong support of public education, particularly the University of Alberta and his active involvement in community affairs.
Apply once your official high school transcript marks are available and when you are currently enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. Requirements for high school transcript marks will vary.
To receive this scholarship, you must also meet all of these eligibility criteria:
This scholarship, sponsored by the Alberta Government is unique in that it guarantees money for graduating 12 students who are planning to attend a post-secondary institution as long as they have achieved a minimum average of 75%. A student must have a minimum combined average based on five designated courses in at least one grade: Grade 10, 11 or 12 as calculated from marks on a valid Alberta Transcript of High School Achievement. Option/CTS courses may also be considered. If you meet the required overall average for any of the above grades, the amount of the scholarship will be calculated accordingly. Students can apply online in July.
A handful of the larger scholarships are available right at the start of the school year, so students are encouraged to apply immediately.
Here are a few significant scholarships that are available now: